Orthodontics for Children
Braces for children in harrow

Orthodontic treatment is best carried out in the teenage years once all or nearly all of the permanent teeth have grown into the mouth, typically from around the age of 12 years. However sometimes an orthodontic problem presents itself much earlier, often at about the age of 8 years, for instance when an upper front tooth is trapped and biting behind the lower teeth, or a front tooth has failed to grow at all; in these cases a short course of ‘interceptive’ treatment, typically lasting only a few weeks or months is recommended to correct the specific problem. Comprehensive treatment can then be provided later (if needed) at the usual time.
Following the recent government pre-procurement of NHS orthodontic services, Woodlands Orthodontics can no longer take on any more NHS cases, although we can continue to treat and finish all our NHS treatments for patients who started treatment before 1st October 2019. If you are under 18 and have an orthodontic assessment with us, we will always tell you if you are eligible for NHS orthodontic treatment (eligibility is based on age and IOTN score) so that you can decide whether you want to stay with us or be referred on to the NHS service provider in your area.